Hello and Welcome to Rags to Side Hustle!

I’m Felicia and the founder of this site, Rags to Side Hustle.

I am working towards getting out of the rat race (a.k.a. corporate job) by building a full-time income online. I’m passionate about building online businesses andI’ve been working hard to create multiple streams of income in the online world.

I must admit that working on my online businesses, while working a full-time day job, is not easy. I work on my side hustles whenever I can or have the time. And that’s usually during my daily commutes, lunch break and evenings after work.

I started self publishing on Amazon in July 2019, and have been working on this stream of income till today. Though the progress is nothing to brag about, I’m happy with the passive income it generates month after month. Without me publishing more books, it generates at least $300 in a slow month.

It hasn’t been smooth sailing. There are ups and downs where I feel unmotivated and disheartened. This is not a get-rich-quick fix. This business, or any other online businesses, requires determination and drive to succeed.

I hope that by sharing my experiences, I can help someone out there to start, or continue, building their own income streams online. We can achieve our dreams together!